For the last month or so whenever I have commented on a blog, I immediately get a failure to deliver notification. I would go back and check the blog I posted on, and my comment was published so I went on my merry way. I did notice wasn't getting replies to my comments. I totally get that people are busy, but most of these were to my regular bloggy friends that usually send a quick response back within a day or two. Last night I finally reached out to one of those ladies (Hi
Erika!) with (what I hope didn't sound like a pathetic "why aren't you talking to me?") my big question: are you getting my comments? After she looked around, she could indeed see my comments, but was never notified of them. After I did some Googling myself, I did the one thing I thought might work.
I connected my blog to Google+.
I went back to Erika's blog and commented on a post, and hurray! She got a notification! She replied back and it went to a gmail account that I really don't use. But whatever. My android phone told me I got an email. And now I am back to being connected with the blog world. (now if only I can get back to regular posting!)
So anyway, if this is happening to you, connect your blog to Google+. And Google, stop trying to make Google+ happen.
Woah, that's crazy! I just went back to check and I definitely have comments from you, but I never got them. How sad!! I'm glad you figured it out. I would've felt the same way!
I knew something was going on!! I've had several comments recently that I was never notified about. I'm glad you figured it out!
Hahahaha I didn't at all think your email was pathetic- I'm so glad we semi-figured it out!! And yes. Stop trying to make Google+ happen. It's not.
Google+ serves no purpose. I hate when I get a no-reply comment, I look at their Google+ and it won't show me an email address! What's the point of Google+ if it doesn't show your email address??? How do you even communicate in that case??
I've resigned my account to "no reply" status. I've fixed it a total of six times and it keeps going back. I am so tired of fixing it that I actually put my email address in all my comments now. So, if you'd like to say hi, please email me at Esther Norine Designs
Is there anything more frustrating than blog/technology troubles?! So glad you're finally reconnected!
Hmm this is good to know!!!
Same thing happened to me when I first signed up for Google+. I immediately disconnect my blog, and the world was right again! :)
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