Hello December!!! Good bye November!
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Hello creative gifts! Goodbye spending way too much money.
Hello creepy elf on the shelf. Actually just go away. Where in the heck did that thing come from??

Hello Christmas cards! I can't wait to mail mine out!! AND I can't wait to get our first one in the mail. So much better than regular mail.
Hello Crockpot! Goodbye BBQ.
Hello long johns under everything. Good bye flip flops.
Hello countdown to winter break. (14 school days...) Goodbye 1/3 of the school year!
Hello jammies at 6:00. Goodbye productive evenings.

Hello birthday month. Good bye 31...
What are you looking forward to this month?

Haha, Elf on the Shelf is pretty creepy! Its always smiling that creepy smile. Strange enough, a lady from my home town came up with the idea!
Anyways, love your list!
Totally agree on the Elf on the Shelf...WHY is that so popular? And WHY can't I filter it all out of my Pinterest!? Glad to see you blogging again, I miss you!
My husband thinks the Elf on a Shelf is creepy too. I like the idea behind it but they are weird looking.
Yay for your birthday month. And I am so excited to get Christmas cards!! :) Thanks for linking up!
Yeah... Elf on the Shelf is pretty creepy now that I think about it. I like the idea of it, but the elf itself is just creepy. (I just noticed that Jen said the same thing, hah!)
I just put my sandals away. It's always so sad, but putting them away makes it so much more fun when spring comes and I pull them out and say "oh yeah! I remember you.."
You only have 14 school days? Jealous. We have 14 1/2.
I put my sweatpants on at 4:15 pm most days in the winter. Absolutely the way it should be :)
The Elf on the Shelf enrages me. I have two separate snarks on it coming up this week. hahaha
I keep some flip flops out so I can wear them around the house.
That damn elf!
I pretty much come home from work and put on my pjs. It's dark shortly after that. Why not? :)
And I win....I go back to school on Wednesday and only have 12 school days until Christmas break!!!
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