4 Jobs I have had...
Before I was a teacher I
waitressed, worked at Target, was a housekeeper and worked at a Summer Camp.
4 Movies I would watch over and overThe Mister says I only like mediocre movies. Whatever. These are great. Sweet Home Alabama (or any Reese Movie for that matter), Welcome to Mooseport, Con Air, and Dave. (I also have a soft spot for Sandra Bullock movies.)
4 places you have lived

I grew up in Portland. Moved to Monmouth for college, then Salem after college. Now, I'm in Independence.
Asparagus, mac & cheese, zucchini and pumpkin pie. Yummy!
4 things I always have with me...a pen, phone, extra hair ties, chapstick

Disney World, San Diego, Las Vegas, Kauai
What's your favorite vacation spot? Do people make fun of your favorite movies?

ohhhh man, how did I forget Sweet Home Alabama?! Great movie! Glad to have found you via the Sunday Social Link-Up. Happy Sunday!
Nicole @ Three 31
I have to agree with Sweet Home Alabama. I too have only live in one state my entire life.
new follower from Sunday Social
The movies I like are always obscure ones like The Reader, Inglourious Basterds, etc. And even though I own a lot, I never watch them!
Every teacher has a winding job path that takes them to the classroom...
I love zucchini. It is, without a doubt, the most wonderful vegetable ever. It is on that I don't have to trick myself into eating! lol :)
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