Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What's in a name?

I just found out today that my little blog's name, is actually something naughty. A couple of my friends informed me that if you Google "First Time Wife" a bunch of websites about wife swapping come up! And I am not talking about the ABC show here.

This puts me in a little bit of a pickle. You see, I started blogging in August but I had really been wanting to write a blog for quite sometime. The thing that was holding me back? Deciding on a name. When I finally settled on "First Time Wife" I thought that it fit. I am a newlyish married lady writing about our life and whatever fun crafty/cooking projects I try out. Now I feel like I kind of need a new name. According to the blog stats, there has been one person who got to my blog using the search term "first time wife sharing."
The first name that pops into my head is "The So-and-So Family," but the mister really wants my blog to be semi-anonymous, meaning my friends/family know about it and can read it, but you couldn't google my name and my blog would pull up. I agree with that statement. I had a class of middle school students in the computer lab at school today, and they all started google-ing their names to see what would come up. It would just be a matter of time before they put my name into the search engine. A few of them have tried to friend me on Facebook already. (I decline them, by the way. Facebook is for friends. I am not their friend, just their friendly teacher.) OR do I try to come up with another "Wifey" name? I suppose I should also point out that the Mister doesn't really like the name of my blog either. He asked me if that means I will be a "second time wife."

Changing the name of my blog would be easy enough, and it wouldn't effect the URL or anything. So, do I change the name of my blog or do I leave it as is?

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