Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sunday Social!

1. What is your favorite type of workout to do?

I really love Zumba. I have been taking it off and on for the last 3 1/2 years (way before it was all over the place.) 

2. What is your favorite guilty pleasure candy or sweet?
Peanut butter and chocolate. 

These have the perfect ration of PB and chocolate.
I also really love these
3. What is one thing you continuously forget to do?
I am terrible at taking daily medication. Birth control pills, allergy medication whatever... I just forget. 

4. Do you prefer post-its or phone reminders? Why?
I use a paper planner. And I am all about the post it notes at work. I honestly don't know how to set up a reminder or an alarm on my phone. Maybe if I could, I would remember to take my dumb allergy pills.

5. What is your favorite picture currently on your phone that always makes you smile?

This was in Kauai last summer at Banana Joe's. This was where I first discovered banana "ice cream." Craig absolutely hates this picture, but I love making him stand behind those types of signs :)

Happy Easter everyone!

Sunday Social


Jen said...

I'm all about a paper planner, I never remember to look at my phone. Happy Easter! :)

Kristin said...

I started Zumba in the summer of 2010, realized pretty quickly it was't for me, but would try it off and on at different places because I was all, "Well, if everyone else likes it..."

But I agree: if you can start something before it's a "fad", more power to you!

Meg said...

Oh my gosh, I forget to take pills ALL THE TIME. I have alarms set on my phone to remember haha. And omg I've eaten soooo many candy eggs today, but now I want another Reese's one haha! I hope you had a great Easter :)